An Augmented-Reality Holiday Tree


AKQA Holiday Card 


Art Director

Interactive Director
UX/UI Designer


Since not everyone has the time or space to have a holiday tree in their home, we'll use AR to give them the ability to have one no matter where they are.

Our biggest challenge was creating the tree. Initially we explored many art treatments in 3DMax. Once we landed on a direction, we rebuilt the tree in code within Unity. Many hours were spent crafting and refining object dimensions, gravity intensity, colliders and object choreography. Our goal was to match the tree as close as possible to the original concept art whilst giving complete freedom to then let anyone create their own tree.
We used Apple's iOS11 AR-Kit to trigger the experience. Since the kit was still in it's early stages, getting it to detect the floor correctly involved a lot of trial and error. After multiple internal user tests we were able to create detailed visual instructions for users to successfully scan their surroundings to trigger the AR experience. 
In parallel with developing the back-end of the app we worked with different designers within our agency to create the logo and key visual. I created moodboards for the designers to take inspiration from. 


Group Creative Director /
Ginny Golden

Design Director /
Dom Murphy 

Associate Design Director /
Carlos Bernal

Director of Technology /
Chris Maddock

Executive Delivery Director /
Alia Burley

Project Manager /
John Martin

Chief Solution Scientist /
An Doan

Senior Software Engineer /
Jeff Paries

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